⭐ Books

Published by McGraw-Hill, the books written by Heather Mansfield feature hundreds of best practices and resources. Written to be comprehensive how-to guides to save nonprofits thousands of dollars in consulting and training fees, Heather’s books are written in clear, simple language and formatted for easy reading. Her first book has been purchased by thousands of nonprofits, libraries, and universities worldwide and her next book will feature advanced best practices for mobile and social fundraising.

Mobile for Good: A How-To Fundraising Guide for Nonprofits

Now available for pre-order! Mobile for Good: A How-To Fundraising Guide is a comprehensive 256-page book packed with more than 500 best practices based on the premise that all communications and fundraising are now mobile and social. Available for purchase or download on AmazonAmazon UK, Amazon AUAmazon Kindle Store, or Barnes & Noble.

Social Media for Social Good: A How-Guide for Nonprofits

A 268-page book packed with more than 200 best practices covering nonprofit communications and fundraising and social and mobile media. Published by McGraw-Hill, the book is available for purchase or download on AmazonAmazon UK, Amazon AUAmazon Kindle Store, or Barnes & Noble.