Last week I asked the followers of @NonprofitOrgs to nominate their favorite nonprofit bloggers. The list below is the result of that “Tweet Out”. Some on the list are very known in the nonprofit sector, and others are completely under the radar and providing some very valuable resources to the nonprofit sector.
This time around I limited the list to individuals bloggers, rather than blogs maintained by associations, publications, PR firms, etc. Of course, there are many others I am not aware of that should be on this list as well. Please feel free to post a link to their blog in the comments section. The 29 nonprofit bloggers below are posted in reverse alphabetical order, all equally valuable. Please follow:
1. | Katrin Verclas: @Katrinskaya from New York, NY Blog: MobileActive |
2. | Marnie Webb: @webb from San Francisco, CA Blog: ext337 |
3. | Rosetta Thurman: @rosettathurman from Washington, DC Blog: Rosetta Thurman |
4. | Susan Tenby: @suzboop from San Francisco, CA Blog: Nonprofit Commons: Nonprofits in Second Life |
5. | Sean Stannard-Stockton: @tactphil from San Francisco, CA Blog: Tactical Philanthrop |
6. | Nancy Schwartz: @NancySchwartz from New York, NY Blog: Getting Attention |
7. | Amy Sample Ward: @amyrsward from London, England Blog: Amy Sample Ward’s Version of NPTech |
8. | Sandy Rees: @SandyRees from East Tennessee Blog: Get Fully Funded |
9. | David J. Neff: @daveiam from Austin, TX Blog: |
10. | Kris Putnam-Walkerly: @Philanthropy411 from Cleveland, OH Blog: Philanthropy 411 |
11. | Michelle Murrain: @pearlbear from Oakland, CA Blog: Zen and the Art of Nonprofit Technology |
12. | Heather Mansfield [Me]: @nonprofitorgs from Springfield, MO Blog: Nonprofit Tech 2.0 |
13. | Kivi Leroux Miller: @kivilm from Lexington, NC Blog: Nonprofit Marketing Guide |
14. | Rebecca Leaman: @rjleaman from Atlantic Canada Blog: Wild Apricot |
15. | Allyson Kapin @care2frogloop from Washington, DC Blog: FrogLoop |
16. | Beth Kanter: @kanter from San Francisco, CA Blog: Beth’s Blog: How Nonprofits Can Use Social Media |
17. | John Haydon: @johnhaydon from Boston, MA Blog: John Haydon |
18. | Trista Harris: @TristaHarris from Minneapolis, MN Blog: New Voices of Philanthropy |
19. | Jocelyn Harmon @jocelynharmon from Washington, DC Blog: Marketing for Nonprofits |
20. | Maddie Grant @maddiegrant from Washington, DC Blog: Social Fish |
21. | Allison Fine: @Afine from New York, NY Blog: A. Fine Blog |
22. | Sue Fidler: @SueFidler from London, England Blog: CharityBuzz |
23. | Deborah Elizabeth Finn @deborah909 from Boston, MA Blog: Technology for the Nonprofit and Philanthropic Sector |
24. | Heather Carpenter @HeatherCarpente from San Diego, CA Blog: Nonprofit Leadership 601 |
25. | Britt Bravo: @Bbravo from Oakland, CA Blog: Have Fun • Do Good |
26. | Ivan Boothe: @rootwork from Philadelphia, PA Blog: Rootwork |
27. | Lucy Bernholz @p2173 from San Francisco, CA Blog: Philanthropy 2173 |
28. | Debra Askanase: @askdebra from Jerusalem Blog: Community Organizer 2.0 |
29. | Katya Andresen: @katyaN4G from Washington, DC Blog: Katya’s Nonprofit Marketing Blog |