On Tuesday, August 6, @GivingTuesday will takeover @NonprofitOrgs for 24 hours to lead a conversation about how to set your nonprofit up for success, what the data tells us about who’s giving on GivingTuesday, and how you can get involved in the biggest giving movement of all time.

History of GivingTuesday

GivingTuesday started as a day for anyone, anywhere to give, and it’s grown into the biggest giving movement in the world.  

GivingTuesday leverages social media and a broad network of nonprofits, schools, businesses, and individuals to ignite a movement and global call to action to give. It has seen record-breaking engagement at every level of society – from some of the world’s biggest celebrities and influencers to students, volunteers, and everyday givers.

Last year alone, online giving on GivingTuesday surpassed $400 Million in the United States. With activities reported in nearly every country and territory, GivingTuesday is becoming the first major global holiday that unites people across languages, borders, cultures, and traditions, and all for one common goal: to do good.

What You’ll Learn

On August 6, follow the #GivingTuesday hashtag to learn:

    1. How nonprofits around the world can be successful on GivingTuesday.
    2. The impact of GivingTuesday on fundraising and donor behavior, trends in giving, and new findings about the ways people give and what motivates them.
    3. How forward-thinking organizations are leveraging the movement for long-term support.


Please RSVP for the #GivingTuesday Twitter Takeover on Facebook to let us know that you’ll be joining us on August 6. Facebook will send a notification on the morning of. Thank you!