Fundraising Archive

5 Ways Your Nonprofit Can Use Behavioral Science to Raise More Money Online

August 30, 2018
By Nate Andorsky, CEO of Creative Science, a digital agency that aligns behavioral science with design and technology to help nonprofits, foundations, and mission-driven companies rethink the way that they engage with people. Behavioral Science is a powerful area of study, and can be a serious tool in the world of nonprofit fundraising. By understanding how people make the decisions...

5 Digital Fundraising Trends to Watch for in 2019

August 16, 2018
By Ray Gary, the CEO of iDonate, a SaaS-based provider of the world’s most innovative Digital Fundraising Platform for nonprofits. Ray’s experience in launching and building businesses spans nearly three decades, including leadership positions in multiple technology companies. Non-profits aren’t immune to the changes driven by new technology. Technological advancements in other parts of our lives are indirectly changing the way donors...

Facebook Fundraising Tools Now Allow Monthly Giving

July 27, 2018
According to the soon-to-be-released 2018 Global Trends in Giving Report, 18% of donors worldwide have donated to a nonprofit through Facebook Fundraising Tools. Of those, 40% say they are very likely to donate again directly through Facebook. 48% say they are somewhat likely. Whatever your personal feelings are about Facebook (love, hate, ambivalent), it’s clear that as a revenue stream...

A Sneak Peek at Who Is Taking the 2018 Global Trends in Giving Survey

May 22, 2018
Inspiring people to take online surveys is tough! We are grateful to the 3,573 people who have taken the 2018 Global Trends In Giving Survey thus far. This year we are getting more participants from outside of the United States, but we definitely need more diversity in our survey respondents for the data to truly reflect the global donor...

20 Crowdfunding Services for Nonprofits Worldwide

April 27, 2018
Nonprofits in North America, Europe, and Australia have a multitude of online fundraising services to choose from mostly thanks to their government’s efforts to build digital records and databases of legally verified nonprofits. In most parts of the world, however, government’s digital capabilities remain a work in progress and as a result, the ability to accept online donations is...

82 Free or Low-Cost Online Tools & Mobile Apps for Nonprofits

April 13, 2018
The number of low-cost or free apps and online tools available to nonprofits today is astounding. Provided you set aside the time to explore and experiment, your nonprofit can use the apps and tools listed below to significantly improve your web and email communications and your social media campaigns. Social Media 1. Buffer :: Buffer enables social media managers to...

10 Must-Know Stats About Online Fundraising

March 20, 2018
The first “Donate Now” button was released in 1999 by Groundspring, a nonprofit founded by San Francisco-based Tides Foundation, and throughout the early 2000’s young Gen-Xer nonprofit professionals pioneered the use of “Donate Now” buttons. They experimented with placement and color, SEO, and new email marketing services, such as ConstantContact and MailChimp. At the time, making an online donation...

Nonprofits! This Is How to Use Facebook’s Fundraising Tools

February 14, 2018
Through a process of trial and error, the Beagle Freedom Project is learning how to effectively use Facebook’s Fundraising Tools and they are being rewarded with more than likes and hearts – their followers are donating! For the last two weeks the organization has been writing compelling posts that evoke strong emotions, uploaded photos that accentuate the story, added...

2018 Cause Awareness & Giving Day Calendar

January 1, 2018
Updated: 2019 Cause Awareness & Giving Day Calendar Cause awareness and giving days can be very powerful themes upon which to launch online fundraising campaigns. The real-time, in-the-moment nature of cause awareness and giving days can inspire donors to give provided that your nonprofit knows how to promote the days effectively. The first step is to decide which days to build a campaign...

10 Emerging Trends in Online Communications and Fundraising to Watch in 2018

December 19, 2017
As personal computers, smartphones, and the Internet of Things evolve, so must your nonprofit. This webinar was presented on December 19 to more than 1,900 nonprofit staff worldwide and focused on what’s new and next in online communications and fundraising to help nonprofits prepare for the future and embrace being an early adopter. The webinar was the final webinar...

25 Must-Know Global Trends in Giving

November 22, 2017
Based upon the survey results of 4,084 donors worldwide, the 2017 Global Trends in Giving Report is an annual research project that examines how donors prefer to give and engage with their favorite causes and charitable organizations. Researched by Nonprofit Tech for Good, the report summarizes donor data across six continents about how online and mobile technology effects giving....

#GiftsforGood ???? A Hashtag for Holiday Shopping That Benefits Nonprofits

November 21, 2017
According to PayPal Holiday Research 2017, 63% of consumers are more likely to shop from a store that will donate a percentage of their proceeds to a cause. #GiftsforGood is a hashtag campaign meant to help consumers find holiday gifts that benefit good causes: Nonprofits ???? Use #GiftsforGood on social media to promote your holiday gift programs. Consumers ???? Browse #GiftsforGood and purchase...

Cause Awareness & Giving Day Campaigns for Nonprofits

November 14, 2017
The rise of social media has also given rise to online giving on cause awareness and giving days. The urgency of a campaign occurring on a certain day inspires individuals to donate, but only if your nonprofit prepares in advance and creates an online campaign that taps into the impulsivity of cause awareness and giving day donors. To help...