Currently only nonprofits in the United States can take advantage of Facebook Fundraisers. This is frustrating to many NGOs, charities, and nonprofits located outside of the United States, but it’s due to the fact that the United States has a database of nonprofits called GuideStar USA that Facebook can sync with theirs to easily verify a nonprofit’s legal status. Facebook is...
The number of low-cost or free apps and online tools available to nonprofits today is astounding. Provided you set aside the time to explore and experiment, your nonprofit can use the apps and tools listed below to significantly improve your web and email communications and your social media campaigns. Social Media 1. Buffer :: Buffer enables social media managers to...
Now into the second quarter of 2017, three themes are taking shape that the nonprofit sector should be aware of. First, online fundraising revenue is growing worldwide and it will continue to increase for years to come. The arc of success for digital fundraising has just begun. Second, the popularity of social networking is steady and continues to spread...
The following is an excerpt from Mobile for Good: A How-To Fundraising Guide for Nonprofits and a follow-up to 5 Online Communication Styles for Nonprofits. From print to email communications, but especially on mobile and social media, there are content themes guaranteed to inspire a reaction on the part your donors and supporters. Mastering the art of telling a success story, creating...
2017 is the final year of free webinars for nonprofits (view final schedule). To date, Nonprofit Tech for Good has trained 49,000 nonprofit, charity, and NGO staff worldwide on how to succeed in online communications and fundraising. Each webinar has a central theme, but the 10 random tips below are outliers and haven’t yet been integrated into the webinar...
The reports listed below are just a small sampling of some of the research available to nonprofits on the subjects of online fundraising and social media. The data can be used to help your nonprofit craft a technology and fundraising strategic plan. If you would like to suggest a report be added to the list, please leave a comment below. Most...
The following is an excerpt from Mobile for Good: A How-To Fundraising Guide for Nonprofits. After your nonprofit has crafted a content strategy and created an editorial calendar (Chapter 7), the next step is to start thinking about the tone of voice of your content. The easiest way to craft your tone of voice is to base it upon the mission...
Digital payments are going to make a big impact on social and mobile media in 2017, but there are some new fundraising services and niche tools and apps that speak to current fundraising trends in the nonprofit sector i.e., the decreased of use cash, the rapid rise of the app economy, and gaming for good. That said, launching a fundraising...
Based on data gleaned from the 2017 Global NGO Online Technology Report, below are 27 stats about how NGOs worldwide are using online technology. Within the report you can view the same data broken out by continent. For this year’s report, 4,908 NGOs participated. The primary goal of the report is to set a baseline of benchmarks for success...
In the late 1990’s nonprofits began to launch websites, experiment with email marketing, and sign up for their first “Donate Now” service. Then, in the late 2000’s nonprofits embraced social networking sites, first Myspace and YouTube, then Facebook and Twitter. Now, in the late 2010’s, we’re on the verge of yet another seismic shift that will have a profound...
The launch of the .NGO and .ONG domains will change how nonprofits, charities, NGOs, and ONGs worldwide use the Internet for branding for decades to come. To help NGOs understand how and why, the webinar below was presented by Heather Mansfield on December 13, 2016 to 230 NGO staff. The webinar highlighted how how the .NGO and .ONG domains and their...
Twitter is experimenting with allowing certain nonprofits to accept donations directly through tweets. Like how only a select few nonprofits had access to Facebook’s early launch of their Facebook Fundraising Tools, only a select few nonprofits currently have access to Twitter Donations. It is unclear if Twitter has plans to provide access to more nonprofits in the near future,...
In the spirit of year-end giving, is offering .NGO domains for only $.99 through the end of 2016. If your NGO, nonprofit, or charity has yet to protect your organization’s primary online brand (your .ORG website and email!) by registering it’s .NGO equivalent, then please let this $.99 offer finally propel you into taking action. Too many world-renowned...