Mobile Archive

10 Types of Nonprofits That Absolutely Must Add Themselves to Foursquare

June 28, 2010
6/20 Update: Foursquare surpasses 10,000,000 users. Original Post from 6/28/10: Foursquare now has 1.6 million users. That may not seem like very many compared to Facebook’s 465 million users, but Foursquare is only one year-old and growing quickly. Part social networking site, part smartphone App, Foursquare is a tool meant to be primary used on the go on your smartphone....

HOW TO: Create a Mobile Website for Your Nonprofit for $8 a Month

April 29, 2010
The Web is going mobile. Faster than anyone thought. Smartphones are transforming the Internet and how individuals access the Web. One in five Americans now access the mobile Web daily. Some through Apps. Others through mobile Web browsers. This means nonprofits and their web communication strategies need to transform as well. One of the most – if not the...

The State of iPhone Fundraising Apps :: Three Examples

April 12, 2010
In January 2010, I was quoted by Association & Nonprofit BizNow for saying: “ envisions a mobile app with a GuideStar database of nonprofits that would make it possible for people to donate to any organization at any time. A receipt would automatically be e-mailed along with a customized thank you letter. At year’s end, givers could print out...

10 Free Nonprofit iPhone Apps

April 6, 2010
First there was 10 Nonprofit Text Alert Campaigns. Then 10 Nonprofit Mobile Websites. Now 10 Free Nonprofit iPhone Apps. I thought it was important to lay the foundation of group texting and mobile websites for nonprofits before moving into examining how nonprofits are using iPhone Apps: 1. National Public Radio :: DownloadApp Name: NPR News Updated: March 4, 2010...

10 Social Media Metrics for Nonprofit Organizations (and How To Track Them)

March 24, 2010
“A survey of 200 charity and foundation professionals revealed that nonprofits are finding it difficult to determine how valuable social media tools are for their organizations. Seventy-nine percent said they hadn’t found ways to do so.” – Chronicle of Philanthropy, November 12, 2009 For those 79% of nonprofits out there, I have listed 10 social media metrics below that...

Which is a better investment for your nonprofit – an iPhone App or a mobile website?

March 10, 2010
June 7 Update :: As mentioned in the post below, I started sensing that a mobile website may be a better investment for nonprofits than an iPhone/iTouch App early in 2010. Some new data reinforces that idea: comScore: Browser Continues to be More Popular than Applications for Accessing Mobile Web CNET: Google Android surpases iPhone in the U.S. Pew:...

Four Reasons Why Nonprofits Need a Mobile Website

February 24, 2010
If your nonprofit is experimenting with text-to-give, text alerts and/or smartphone Apps (or planning to), then launching a mobile website is something your organization should seriously consider. If not an entire site, then at the very least your organization should create select web pages that are designed to be easily read on mobile devices. Here are four reasons why:...

10 Nonprofit Group Text Messaging Campaigns

February 8, 2010
Not to be confused with Text-to-Give campaigns (Text HAITI to 90999 to donate $10 to the Red Cross), group texting campaigns are when individuals opt-in to be alerted of news or calls to action via text message. They can opt-in by sending a Keyword (NONPROFITORGS) to a Short Code (41411), or through a subscribe page/widget on a nonprofit’s website....

Web 1.0, Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 Simplified for Nonprofits

January 28, 2010
While there are a good number of tech-savvy hipsters out there that understand terms like “Static Web”, “Dynamic Content”, “User-Generated”, “Cloud Computing”, and “Semantic Web”, the majority of nonprofits don’t talk or understand such tech speak. So, to simply for the nonprofit masses, I present and frame very simple definitions and interpretations of Web 1.0, Web 2.0 and Web...

Five Simple (and Fun) Ways to Promote Nonprofits on FourSquare

January 17, 2010
FourSquare is definitely starting to catch on with enterprising techie folks that love to be early adopters. That’s a good a sign. Most check-ins revolve around restaurants and cafes, but below are five simple ways you (and the nonprofit techies) can also use FourSquare to promote the nonprofits and causes your care about: 1) Add Nonprofit Venues Adding a...

HOW TO: Add Your Nonprofit as a Venue Page to Foursquare

January 10, 2010
Part social networking site, part smartphone App, Foursquare is a tool meant to be primary used on the go on your smartphone. Quite simply, you “Check-in” to places while physically at the location and offer “Tips” and send out “Shouts”. Cafes, bars, and live music venues are its primary focus, but nonprofits are also adding themselves as “Venues” to...

Social Media is Going Mobile, and So Should Your Nonprofit

October 5, 2009
As the Web goes mobile, so does social media… and so should your nonprofit. If there is one thing I have learned over ten years of using the Internet for fundraising and social change, those nonprofits that can embrace change quickly, empower their visionaries, and adopt new Web trends, reap the benefits of being early adopters. The Web and...