Mobile Archive

10 Emerging Trends in Online Communications and Fundraising to Watch in 2018

December 19, 2017
As personal computers, smartphones, and the Internet of Things evolve, so must your nonprofit. This webinar was presented on December 19 to more than 1,900 nonprofit staff worldwide and focused on what’s new and next in online communications and fundraising to help nonprofits prepare for the future and embrace being an early adopter. The webinar was the final webinar...

How to Report Live from Nonprofit Events and Conferences

October 10, 2017
Real-time reporting from nonprofit conferences and events requires an advanced skill set, training, and a lot of practice. Tailored for social media managers, this webinar below was presented on October 9 highlighted which skills are necessary for live reporting, which online tools work the best, and outlined a 6-week plan that includes pre-event planning and post-event follow-up. To register...

12 Demographic & Technology Trends Changing the Nonprofit Sector Worldwide

September 3, 2017
Rapid population growth and migration are dramatically changing societies and ecosystems worldwide and as this future unfolds nonprofits, NGOs, and charities will play a central role in safeguarding the world’s most vulnerable communities, the land upon which they live, and the wildlife that surrounds them. As the social conscience of of globalization, the nonprofit sector needs to contemplate future...

59 Useful Mobile Apps & Online Tools for Nonprofits

May 2, 2017
The number of low-cost or free apps and online tools available to nonprofits today is astounding. Provided you set aside the time to explore and experiment, your nonprofit can use the apps and tools listed below to significantly improve your web and email communications and your social media campaigns. Social Media 1. Buffer :: Buffer enables social media managers to...

12 Must-Know Stats About Online Fundraising, Social Media, and Mobile Technology

April 18, 2017
Now into the second quarter of 2017, three themes are taking shape that the nonprofit sector should be aware of. First, online fundraising revenue is growing worldwide and it will continue to increase for years to come. The arc of success for digital fundraising has just begun. Second, the popularity of social networking is steady and continues to spread...

8 Fundraising Tools to Watch in 2017

February 11, 2017
Digital payments are going to make a big impact on social and mobile media in 2017, but there are some new fundraising services and niche tools and apps that speak to current fundraising trends in the nonprofit sector i.e., the decreased of use cash, the rapid rise of the app economy, and gaming for good. That said, launching a fundraising...

5 Digital Payment Systems That Could Transform Online Fundraising

December 22, 2016
In the late 1990’s nonprofits began to launch websites, experiment with email marketing, and sign up for their first “Donate Now” service. Then, in the late 2000’s nonprofits embraced social networking sites, first Myspace and YouTube, then Facebook and Twitter. Now, in the late 2010’s, we’re on the verge of yet another seismic shift that will have a profound...

How Twitter Donations Work: What Your Nonprofit Needs to Know

December 4, 2016
Twitter is experimenting with allowing certain nonprofits to accept donations directly through tweets. Like how only a select few nonprofits had access to Facebook’s early launch of their Facebook Fundraising Tools, only a select few nonprofits currently have access to Twitter Donations. It is unclear if Twitter has plans to provide access to more nonprofits in the near future,...

5 Nonprofit Technology Trends to Watch in 2017

November 22, 2016
The following is an excerpt from October-December 2016 Edition of AsianNGO Magazine. Facebook launched in 2004, YouTube in 2005, and Twitter in 2006. For over a decade nonprofits, charities, and NGOs worldwide have been embracing social media with the hope of raising funds and creating social change. The rapid rise of social media and its proliferation to every corner...

How to Create a Twitter Moment for Your Nonprofit

October 23, 2016
Twitter Moments as defined by Twitter are curated tweets collected into a story. First launched in October 2015 in partnership with a select few media partners, as of September 29 all Twitter users can now create Moments. For nonprofits active on Twitter, Moments are new way to showcase the best tweets about your event or campaign. Moments are meant predominately...

10 Website Design and Email Marketing Best Practices for Nonprofits

September 6, 2016
The rapid rise of social media and mobile technology has had a profound impact on website design and email marketing, yet many nonprofits have not yet adapted to the new aesthetics and functionality of a mobile, social Internet. Based upon the knowledge and experience that the nonprofit sector has gained over the last 20 years of using websites and email...