Your nonprofit could have a wide variety of excellent blog content, but if your blog’s design doesn’t make a positive first impression, then few will read it – much less share it with their followers on social networks. The same is true with website and web articles. Today’s fast-scanning Internet users need online content that is visually appealing and easy to read on...
It is true that tweets with images receive more engagement, but how much more engagement depends on the quality of the images and if they are properly sized for Twitter (1024 x 512 pixels or a 2:1 aspect ratio). If your nonprofit is committed to maximizing engagement on Twitter, then you must create visually compelling call-to-action images for fundraising and...
The following is an excerpt from Mobile for Good: A How-To Fundraising Guide for Nonprofits. Nonprofits are familiar with writing blog posts that provide program updates, tell success stories, comment on breaking news and current affairs, and promote calls to action. This type of blog content is standard in nonprofit communications and should continue to be reported on regularly; however,...
In 1985 the .ORG domain was released to the public along with .COM, .NET, .GOV and .EDU – the original top-level domains of the Internet. Over the next 30 years the .ORG domain would become the Internet home of the nonprofit sector worldwide and become synonymous with the term “nonprofit organization.” Consequently, in poll after poll conducted by the Public Interest...
There is a lot of discussion in the nonprofit sector about Millennials (a.k.a. Gen Y) and Baby Boomers and a growing interest in Gen Z a.k.a. #Philanthrokids, but almost no analysis of Generation X (aged 35-50 years). As the first generation to donate online and the generation that pioneered web design, email, blogging, and online advocacy, ignoring Gen X is a...
Over the last six months Nonprofit Tech for Good has bookmarked over 50 fundraising tools to prepare for this blog post. When the time came to write the post, at least 25% of the fundraising tools had shut down. It is very difficult to launch a fundraising service that is sustainable i.e., can earn enough revenue to pay staff,...
Working at a nonprofit often pays less than the for-profit sector, but the perks of extended vacation time, flex time, and the personal satisfaction of having a meaningful professional life can outweigh the financial downside of building a nonprofit career. And the good news is that 2015 is predicted to be a great year for nonprofit sector hiring thanks to a rebounding economy....
15-second video interviews are the new elevator pitch. In a world where attention spans are waning, the ability to communicate a message succinctly and on camera is a very valuable skill. While a few individuals succeeded in just one take, most needed two or three takes. Getting your point across verbally in 15 seconds while the camera is recording...
If your nonprofit’s social media strategy is built upon engaging young adults, then you might want to invest some time experimenting with Tumblr. According to a recent study, after Facebook young adults spend more time per day on Tumblr than any other social network. This data will likely surprise many nonprofits, but Tumblr’s mobile design and the unique content blogged...
All launched in 2014, the mobile apps listed below created by nonprofits clearly demonstrate that nonprofits are evolving in their approach to mobile apps. The hard truth is that only 39% of mobile apps are opened 11 times or more and 20% of apps are only opened once. That said, the rapid sales of smartphones worldwide ensure a growing a mobile app audience in...
The following is an excerpt from Mobile for Good: A How-To Fundraising Guide for Nonprofits. The Internet is at a tipping point. It’s estimated that by late 2014 or early 2015 the majority of adults will get their information from social networks rather than search engines and that social networks will become the primary source of referral traffic to your...
In 2013 online giving grew 13.5% according to the Blackbaud Index of Online Giving and 14% according to the Network for Good’s Online Giving Index with small and medium-sized nonprofits are experiencing the largest growth. In addition, charitable giving is at an all-time high in the United States and nonprofits would be wise to invest in upgrades to their online donation...
Thanks to a partnership with Salsa Labs, Heather Mansfield of Nonprofit Tech for Good was able to report live from the FUSE Conference on August 6-7 in Annandale, VA. Over 250 nonprofits were in attendance represented by staff mostly from the Millennial Generation who actively contributed to the conference hashtag: #FUSEcon2014. Heather also presented two general sessions during which she invited attendees to share via...