Thanks to Microsoft Citizenship Asia Pacific, I’ve had the great honor to present a series of online fundraising and social media trainings to over three hundred non-governmental organizations (NGOs) throughout Asia Pacific over the last three years. The experience has made me acutely aware that access to information about trends in nonprofit technology, online fundraising, and social media often...
The number of low-cost or free online resources and tools available to nonprofits today is astounding. Many nonprofit professionals are overwhelmed by the all choices and as mobile media continues to grow, prepare to be mind-boggled by all the new technology options that will be available to your nonprofit in coming years. That said, to be alerted of new...
A well-promoted mobile alert campaign is hard to find in the nonprofit sector. If a nonprofit is going to invest in mobile alerts, then mobile opt-ins and short code and keyword pitches should be integrated into multiple communication channels such as print, web, email, and social and mobile media. Yet strangely, it rarely happens. Mobile alerts and text-to-give campaigns...
This blog post officially launches the research stage of writing my second book which will be published and shipped in Spring 2014. A follow-up to Social Media for Social Good: A How-To Guide for Nonprofits, this book will place much more emphasis on using social media and mobile technology for fundraising. That said, I am very curious how social...
There absolutely is a math to social and mobile media. If your nonprofit has a good content strategy in place and understands the power of integrating all your nonprofit’s communications channels (website, email, Facebook, texting, etc.), then as your numbers grow on social networks so will your e-newsletter and mobile lists which in turn significantly increases your fundraising success. It’s...
Over the last two months I have opened more than 200 pieces of nonprofit print materials and 95% of them are in the same format and structure of those that I was writing and publishing in the late 1990’s. Like press releases, print fundraising appeals and newsletters seem to be taking little account for the rise of social and...
At least 15% of all traffic to nonprofit’s websites now occur on mobile devices and across all sectors mobile is set to surpass desktop browsing in 2014. Over the last few years as I have studied the rapid rise of the Mobile Web, I have become more of an advocate of launching a responsively designed website over launching a mobile site separate from...
Thanks to MobileCause, I have a new text messaging service to explore and experiment with. If you are interested in learning about how to utilize text messaging and the Mobile Web for your nonprofit, then please text NONPROFITORGS to 51555 (or enter your phone here) to subscribe to receive text alerts from Nonprofit Tech 2.0. Text alerts will be sent 2-3...
Yesterday’s free webinar entitled Five Reasons Why Your Nonprofit Should Prioritize the Mobile Web in 2013 was attended by 433 nonprofit professionals. To some, that may sound like a good turnout, but my free webinars usually hit the maximum of 1,000 attendees, so 433 was low – not surprising, however. In general, its been very difficult to get nonprofits to prioritize the Mobile...
Date: Wednesday, January 9, 2013 Time: 1-1:45pm EST Cost: Free How to Register: Sign up! Presented By: Heather Mansfield View: All Webinars for Nonprofits The Mobile Web is often discussed as a future trend that nonprofits have time to prepare for, but the reality is that by the end of 2013, the majority of your supporters and donors will be...
Mashable wrote up thorough post on Instagram’s new profile pages for Desktop last week, but I wanted to emphasize four points useful for nonprofits: 1) The photos in banner across the top of the new profiles are automatically generated from the photos you have uploaded using Instagram’s mobile apps. 2) Under “Edit Profile” in both the mobile apps and...
Some simple words of advice for nonprofits considering launching a Windows 8 App (or an iPhone, Android, or Windows Phone App), add the keywords “nonprofit” and “charity” to make your apps easier to find. Since neither Microsoft, Apple, or Google have “Nonprofit” or “Charity” categories in their app stores (hint, hint!), it’s going to be up to you to make...
On August 1, Google quietly launched Google Wallet for the Web – and the technology has the possibility of transforming online and mobile fundraising as we’ know it. Described simply, donors can sign up for a Google Wallet account, enter and save their credit card information, and then donate to any nonprofit (or purchase from any online store) that has a Google...