Mobile Archive

33 Fun, Useful, and Totally Random Resources for Nonprofits

August 24, 2011
The number of low-cost or free, web-based resources and tools available to nonprofits today is astounding. So much so that many nonprofit professionals are overwhelmed by the all choices – and as the Mobile Web and related start-ups continue to grow, prepare to be mind-boggled by all the new technology options available to your nonprofit in coming years. 1. 2dCode...

HOW TO: Create a Foursquare Page for Your Nonprofit

August 22, 2011
Foursquare recently launched the ability for brands to create Pages on Foursquare. Until then, nonprofits were limited to simply claiming their nonprofit’s Venue Page making it almost impossible to be proactive on Foursquare. However, in recent weeks the site has made a number of upgrades that have rendered the site and it’s tool set much more interesting and relevant...

Three Ways Nonprofits Can Pioneer m-Advocacy

June 7, 2011
The time is ripe for the early adopters in the nonprofit sector to embrace m-Advocacy, otherwise known as mobile advocacy. Odds are a year from now pitches to subscribe or join “Mobile Action Networks” will be  commonly seen in Facebook Status Updates, Tweets, blogs posts, homepages, and e-newsletter subject lines. As social media taught us, those nonprofits who act...

Five Must-Have Characteristics of Nonprofit Mobile Websites

April 12, 2011
On the Mobile Web, it’s 1999 all over again. Those nonprofits that are pioneering mobile websites today will reap the benefits of Mobile SEO tomorrow. Mobile search engines like Google Mobile, Yahoo! Mobile, and Bing Mobile are hungry for mobile content, especially fresh content.  That said, the uber vast majority of nonprofits have not even considered launching a mobile...

Five Ways to Promote Your Text-to-Give Campaigns on Social Media

February 28, 2011
Many nonprofits are experimenting with text-to-give fundraising, but thus far results have been mixed. Nonprofits that have the resources or connections to tap into media, celebrity or large e-mail lists have done well, but many others are simply breaking even (or not). One reason may be that the online promotions of text-to-give campaigns have been mostly limited to text-only...

22 Ways Nonprofits Can Use QR Codes for Fundraising and Awareness Campaigns

January 24, 2011
If you haven’t noticed QR Codes yet, after you read this post and browse the QR Codes on Flickr you’re going to start to seeing them everywhere. In magazines, on flyers, tabletops, and conference materials. So, what are they? QR Codes are two-dimensional bar code images that when scanned by a camera on a smartphone open a link to...

Foursquare Launches New Vanity URLs for Profiles

November 16, 2010
11/21 Update: Foursquare now automatically forwards your old URL to your new URL, but you should still update print materials and e-mail signatures. Just a quick note to nonprofits! It looks as though Foursquare has dropped “user” in its vanity URLs for profiles. I can’t find confirmation of this change site-wide on or on Foursquare’s Twitter account, but...

Nonprofit Tech 2.0 iPhone App :: Version 2.0!

September 30, 2010
Using, I quickly threw together and launched an iPhone App for Nonprofit Tech 2.0 in the fall of 2009. Once it was available in iTunes, I quickly moved on to other tasks and quite honesty, paid no attention to it for almost a year. Then when searching for “nonprofit” Apps in iTunes last month, I was surprised to...

10 Essential Tools for the Nonprofit New Media Manager on the Go

September 14, 2010
9/20 Update: Make that 11 Essential Tools. Nonprofits should also be using Ustream for live-streaming while on location! The advent of the Mobile Web is slowly starting to permeate and transform nonprofit communications. Just like social media transformed the nonprofit sector and how it communicates with its supporters, so will the Mobile Web (even more so). The best new...

HOW TO: Add Your Nonprofit to Facebook Places and Claim Your New Places Page

August 23, 2010
UPDATE :: After you verify your business/nonprofit, you are asked to merge your Official Page with your Places Page. I have sneaking suspicion that the merged example in this blog post is a glimpse of the new Pages that are launching this week. Hold off on #6 below until further notice. Many nonprofit communicators are now aware that Facebook...

Five Business Tech Blogs That Nonprofits Should Read

August 11, 2010
While there are many great nonprofit bloggers, nonprofits that are utilizing social media and mobile technology should also be reading the five blogs listed below. Although they are primarily written for the private sector, their writers seemingly have direct communication with companies like Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare, etc. and often provide some of the best inside information about crucial updates...

Five Reasons Why Nonprofit Communicators Need Smartphones

July 13, 2010
One in five Americans now access the Mobile Web daily. Smartphones are transforming the Internet and how individuals access the Web. This means nonprofits and their web communication strategies need to transform as well. Desktop and laptop computers have become essential tools for nonprofit communicators over the last decade, and now we are entering the era of smartphones –...