Research Archive

How Ideology Impacts Which Causes Donors Support

October 8, 2017
According to the 2017 Global Trends in Giving Report, a donor’s ideology has more impact upon which causes and types of nonprofits they support than gender or age. Donors with a conservative ideology are more traditional in their giving while donors with a liberal ideology are more diverse in the types of causes they support. Giving to children and youth,...

Data for Good: Fundraising and Technology Insights for your Year-End Campaigns

September 20, 2017
Presented on September 20 via webinar, the slides below highlight data from the 2017 Global NGO Technology Report, the 2017 Global Trends in Giving Report, and Network for Good’s donor platform to determine if U.S. nonprofits are using technology in the ways that their donors and supporters prefer. Attendees were be given access to exclusive U.S. donor data and...

Announcing the First Edition of the Global Trends in Giving Report!

September 12, 2017
Based upon the survey results of 4,084 donors worldwide, the 2017 Global Trends in Giving Report summarizes donor data across six continents about how online and mobile technology effects giving. The report also explores the impact of gender, generation, and ideology upon giving and volunteerism. The report is available in English, French and Spanish and is a sister report...

Are the Majority of Online Donors Liberal Female Gen Xers?

May 19, 2017
Liberal female Gen Xers may not be the majority of online donors, but they definitely are the demographic participating most in the 2017 Global Trends in Giving Survey. Good for them and thank you, however, the inaugural edition of the Global Trends in Giving Report to be released September 4, 2017 will only be as good as the data...

24 Must-Read Fundraising and Social Media Reports for Nonprofits

March 5, 2017
The reports listed below are just a small sampling of some of the research available to nonprofits on the subjects of online fundraising and social media. The data can be used to help your nonprofit craft a technology and fundraising strategic plan. If you would like to suggest a report be added to the list, please leave a comment below. Most...

11 Must-Know Stats About How NGOs Worldwide Use Internet Technology

January 27, 2016
A collaborative research project by the Public Interest Registry and Nonprofit Tech for Good, the 2016 Global NGO Online Technology Report is an inaugural effort to gain a better understanding of how non-governmental organizations (NGOs) worldwide use online technology to communicate with their supporters and donors. Based upon the survey results of 2,780 NGOs from Africa, Asia, Australia &...