Social Media Archive

10 Goals for Nonprofit New Media Managers for 2015

January 5, 2015
After the holiday break new media managers return to work energized to update and implement their list of priorities for the upcoming year. The goals suggested below are fairly easy to achieve, yet transformative to a nonprofit’s new media strategy. Most do not require a financial investment, but preliminary results on the 2014 fundraising season are strong and if your nonprofit did well in...

6 Clever Mobile Apps Created by Nonprofits

December 28, 2014
All launched in 2014, the mobile apps listed below created by nonprofits clearly demonstrate that nonprofits are evolving in their approach to mobile apps. The hard truth is that only 39% of mobile apps are opened 11 times or more and 20% of apps are only opened once. That said, the rapid sales of smartphones worldwide ensure a growing a mobile app audience in...

Mark Your Calendars! 2015 Cause Awareness Days

December 16, 2014
Updated: 2019 Cause Awareness & Giving Day Calendar As a follow-up to HOW TO: Tap Into the Power of Cause Awareness Days, below is a list of the most relevant international cause awareness days to the nonprofit sector. Cause awareness days can be powerful for fundraising because social network communities are highly likely to promoting your nonprofit on cause awareness...

HOW TO: Tap Into the Power of Cause Awareness Days

December 16, 2014
The following is an excerpt from Mobile for Good: A How-To Fundraising Guide for Nonprofits. While embracing a comprehensive, long-term breaking news and crisis communications strategy is challenging for many nonprofits, all nonprofits, regardless of their size, can tap into the power of cause awareness days. Your nonprofit can create your own cause awareness day campaign or build one around...

5 Online Communication Styles for Nonprofits

November 30, 2014
The following is an excerpt from Mobile for Good: A How-To Fundraising Guide for Nonprofits. Your content strategy thus far has focused on what types of content your nonprofit plans to create and what channels it will use to distribute the content. The next step is to start thinking about the tone of voice of your content. The easiest way...

Top 10 Tweets from the 2014 Independent Sector Conference

November 23, 2014
Of the 113 tweets and retweets sent by @NonprofitOrgs during the 2014 Independent Sector Conference (#ISConf), the 10 embedded tweets below are those that received the most social actions i.e., retweets + favorites. It’s no surprise that the vast majority include images properly sized for Twitter (600 x 300 pixels), inspirational quotes, and/or stats. By studying carefully the formatting...

10 Facebook Page Best Practices for Nonprofits

October 19, 2014
With more than 1 billion active users, Facebook is the largest social network in the world. More than two-thirds of its users log in every day and three-fourths do so on a mobile device. Without a doubt your nonprofit’s supporters use Facebook on a regular basis. Therefore, Facebook Pages should be your first priority and entry into social networking....

10 e-Newsletter Best Practices for Nonprofits

September 28, 2014
Despite the rapid rise of social media, more online donations are made from a click in an e-newsletter than any other source. In fact, in 2013 for every 1,000 fundraising messages delivered, nonprofits raised $17. That was a 21% decrease from the previous year, but the decrease is mostly likely due to poor online fundraising practices, such as not having a...

9 Must-Know Best Practices for Distributing Your Nonprofit’s Content on Social Networks

September 14, 2014
The following is an excerpt from Mobile for Good: A How-To Fundraising Guide for Nonprofits. The Internet is at a tipping point. It’s estimated that by late 2014 or early 2015 the majority of adults will get their information from social networks rather than search engines and that social networks will become the primary source of referral traffic to your...

10 Online Fundraising Best Practices for Nonprofits

August 24, 2014
In 2013 online giving grew 13.5% according to the Blackbaud Index of Online Giving and 14% according to the Network for Good’s Online Giving Index with small and medium-sized nonprofits are experiencing the largest growth. In addition, charitable giving is at an all-time high in the United States and nonprofits would be wise to invest in upgrades to their online donation...

8 Nonprofit Lessons Learned from the 2014 FUSE Conference

August 17, 2014
Thanks to a partnership with Salsa Labs, Heather Mansfield of Nonprofit Tech for Good was able to report live from the FUSE Conference on August 6-7 in Annandale, VA. Over 250 nonprofits were in attendance represented by staff mostly from the Millennial Generation who actively contributed to the conference hashtag: #FUSEcon2014. Heather also presented two general sessions during which she invited attendees to share via...

10 Must-Have Skills for Nonprofit New Media Managers

July 14, 2014
The following is an excerpt from Mobile for Good: A How-To Fundraising Guide for Nonprofits. In 2013 the number of nonprofits that hired part-time or full-time new media managers increased fourfold. As nonprofits have gotten better at implementing multichannel communications and fundraising campaigns and improving their tracking and reporting systems, many nonprofits have come to the conclusion that creating a paid...