Social Media Archive

11 Tips for Making Nonprofit Press Releases Social and Shareable

April 24, 2013
Social media has forever changed how nonprofits and journalists distribute and consume news stories, yet the format of nonprofit press releases has not evolved at all. Almost every communication medium out there has been impacted by the rise of social and mobile media, but not press releases. I think that enterprising nonprofits would be eager to try something new...

12 Must-Know Stats About Social Media, Fundraising, and Cause Awareness

April 22, 2013
Until recently the nonprofit pioneers of the Social Web had to mostly rely on their intuition that their social media campaigns were resulting in more dollars raised online, an increase in brand and cause awareness, and higher rates of volunteer recruitment and retention. However, as LinkedIn, Blogger and Myspace all celebrate their 10-year anniversary this year, nonprofits have now...

Three Nonprofit e-Newsletters to Subscribe To and Learn From

April 14, 2013
My e-newsletter is by far the driving force behind Nonprofit Tech 2.0. Those 27,000+ subscribers produce more return on investment (ROI) in terms of bringing in new clients and webinar attendees than my 600,000+ Twitter followers and 40,000+ Facebook fans combined. And even though a recent report pointed out that email open and donor response are dropping in the nonprofit...

Four Recent Facebook Upgrades That Nonprofits Need to Know About

April 3, 2013
Hopefully your nonprofit has grown accustomed to the fact that Facebook is a constant work in progress. That said, some recent upgrades to Facebook Pages have a big impact upon your nonprofit’s presence on Facebook and with the site-wide launch of the new News Feed and Social Graph Search coming soon, many more changes are likely to come. Before you fall...

Pheed and Sulia: Two New Social Networks for the Nonprofit Early Adopters

March 27, 2013
Nonprofits that have the capacity to be early adopters have learned that early adoption in and of itself is a wise social media strategy. Followers tend to grow the fastest during the early adoption phase and being one of the first nonprofits to have a presence on a new social network tends to solidify their popularity on the social...

11 Blog Content Ideas for Nonprofits

March 6, 2013
Thanks to the Social Web, there is no shortage of possible topics for your nonprofit to blog about. From 10-paragraph editorials to 2-paragraph commentaries on breaking news, when you use the ideas given here, you should have no problem publishing the required minimum of one blog post per week (less than that and your blog starts to look abandoned)....

Should Your Nonprofit Be Active on the New Myspace?

February 24, 2013
Last year when Myspace announced that it would be launching a redesign, I was very intrigued. Even more so when they released a video last September teasing what the new Myspace would look like. The design was good – very good, in fact. For months I was anxious, excited even, for the new Myspace to launch.  For those who...

ATTN Nonprofits: New YouTube Channels Coming Early March 2013

February 17, 2013
YouTube has begun rolling out a new YouTube Channel design entitled One Channel to a very small small group of YouTube users. A sitewide roll out is expected in early March. The new design offers much less customization, but enables more efficient browsing of your videos and the channels that you are subscribed to, and is more tailored for...

11 Obvious Signs Your Nonprofit Needs Social Media Training

January 22, 2013
Many nonprofits need social media training – they just don’t know it. There’s always room for improvement and unfortunately overconfidence in social media skills prevent many nonprofit staff from getting training that could significantly increase their social media ROI (Return on Investment). Social media best practices are constantly in flux as tool sets change and algorithms are modified. Unless you study...

29 Nonprofit Resources to Follow on Twitter

January 21, 2013
A long overdue follow up to my post on 29 Nonprofit Bloggers to Follow on Twitter, below are 29 nonprofit resources that tweet regularly on subjects ranging from fundraising to social media to mobile communications. Of course, there are many other resources deserving of being listed – if you would like to add one, please do so in a...