UPDATED July 19 :: With more than 19 million monthly unique visitors, Pinterest is now the fourth most trafficked social networking site in the United States – behind Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Even if your nonprofit is not quite ready to take the leap into pinning, at the very least you should sign up to reserve your first choice of...
On March 30 the new Facebook Timeline design will roll out to all Facebook Pages and one new function is the ability to post Milestones to your Timeline. I’ll be giving a comprehensive click-by-click tour of the new Facebook Timeline design and tool set in my upcoming webinars on Facebook and Facebook Apps for nonprofits, but a how-to get...
With each passing day your supporters, donors, activists and sponsors are becoming overwhelmed by the barrage of tweets, status updates, text messages, and emails being thrown at them on a daily basis. As a result, text-based “Thank You” messages are often unread and overlooked. That said, a video can often communicate your appreciation better than the written word and...
Social Media for Social Good: A How-To Guide for Nonprofits launched in conjunction with a social media and mobile technology training and book tour that also served as fundraiser for partners nonprofits – a total of $17,130 was raised. Thanks very much to those that attended, the nonprofit partners (listed below), and the Nonprofit Tech 2.0 Sponsors that helped make it happen. Completed...
With 10.4 million registered users, Pinterest hit the 10 million-user benchmark last week making it the fastest growing website ever. My theory on why Pinterest has become so popular so fast is that it has arrived at at time when people are increasing becoming overwhelmed by the volume of tweets, status updates, and “Breaking News!” being thrown at them...
At the end of the Social Media for Social Good: A How-To Guide for Nonprofits is a nine-page “Nonprofit Tech Checklist” which I have copied and pasted below. Each item on the list is discussed in the book and some items won’t make sense unless you have read the book, but most will. I hope you find it useful....
As a follow-up to Google+ Best Practices for Nonprofits and 22 Must-Circle Nonprofit Bloggers and Resources on Google+, below are 22 nonprofits that are regularly using Google+ effectively to engage and inspire the Google+ community. As traffic continues to grow, new tools and functionality are added almost daily. Google+ is definitely a work in progress. Most nonprofits are still...
When Mashable first started buzzing about Pinterest in December 2011, I took a quick look at the site and thought to myself, “Shopping, crafters, and foodies. Not relevant to the vast majority of nonprofits and (whew!) not another site I need to pay attention to.” Now, just two weeks into January, I am completely addicted to pinning boards for...
There’s no shortage of year-end-and-beginning blog posts about social media, but I thought I’d throw mine into the mix as well. I took some much-needed time off in December and was able to spend some down time reflecting on the future of social media and mobile technology for the nonprofit sector. The truth is I think it has only...
Originally published in the November 2011 issue of Fundraising Success Magazine where I have written a quarterly column throughout 2011. In June 2007, I presented my first social media training to a small group of nonprofits in Lowell, MA. At the time, nonprofits were primarily only using Myspace and YouTube. Though Facebook had gone public nine months previous, Facebook Groups were only...
Date: Wednesday, February 15 Time: 1-1:45pm EST Cost: Free Presenter: Heather Mansfield Register: Here! The content of this mini-webinar is specifically tailored for executive staff in the nonprofit sector, particularly those that are skeptical of the value of social and mobile media. The idea for this webinar arose from presenting more than 100 social and mobile media trainings and webinars in 2011...
Page” on Google+. If you are new to Google+, then first please read carefully my Google+ Best Practices for Nonprofits to become familiar with Google+ so that you make sure that you set up your Google Account and Google+ Profile correctly before following the instructions below for creating a Google+ Page for your nonprofit. 1. Login to your personal...
The following is an excerpt from Chapter 1 of the newly released book Social Media for Social Good: A How-To Guide for Nonprofits. These best practices serve as a foundation for upgrading your website to be compatible with the Social Web and are then elaborated upon in the upcoming webinar How Nonprofits Can Successfully Utilize Online Fundraising and e-Newsletters....