Social Media Archive

Nonprofit Tech 2.0 Celebrates Its One-Year Anniversary!

August 29, 2010
One year ago today Nonprofit Tech 2.0 published its first blog post. At the time I was a skeptical blogger. I had low expectations for Nonprofit Tech 2.0. I would have been happy with couple hundred visitors a week, but a year later Nonprofit Tech 2.0 just surpassed 254,000 visitors. I didn’t see that coming at all. In fact,...

Five Business Tech Blogs That Nonprofits Should Read

August 11, 2010
While there are many great nonprofit bloggers, nonprofits that are utilizing social media and mobile technology should also be reading the five blogs listed below. Although they are primarily written for the private sector, their writers seemingly have direct communication with companies like Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare, etc. and often provide some of the best inside information about crucial updates...

Social Networking Communities Are Migrant Communities

July 28, 2010
Social networking communities are migrant communities. They move with you to The Next Big Thing i.e., from MySpace to Facebook to Twitter to Foursquare. Social media skeptics often say that it’s a waste of time to utilize social networking sites because they are here today, and then gone tomorrow. While it is definitely true these sites could be here...

10 Blog Content Ideas for Nonprofit Organizations

July 20, 2010
There are now over 143 million blogs on the Internet and when I launched Nonprofit Tech 2.0 in September of 2009, I had very low expectations. I wasn’t convinced at all that the world needed another blogger. But within a few months it was clear that blogging was the missing piece in my online communications strategy. 80% of my ROI (Return...

HOW TO: Update Your Nonprofit’s Wikipedia Page (and Why You Should)

June 7, 2010
Now that most nonprofits have a Community Page on Facebook in addition to their Official Page, it is crucial that nonprofits create a Wikipedia account to edit, maintain, and “Watch” their organization’s Wikipedia Page. Why? Because Facebook Community Pages have Wikipedia Tabs that pull in your organization’s information directly from Wikipedia. For example, I used to work for a nonprofit...

HOW TO: Use Flickr to Distribute and Archive Press Releases

June 3, 2010
Full disclosure. I have no idea if using Flickr to distribute and archive photo and press releases will appeal to the media and/or blogosphere, but I got the idea from what I think is the best nonprofit photostream on  Flickr: The UN Refugee Agency. The UNHCR does attach press releases to a good number of the photos they upload...

Which Company is the Most Socially Responsible and Generous to Nonprofits: Facebook? Twitter? YouTube? LinkedIn? MySpace? Flickr? Google?

May 24, 2010
Nonprofits and their adoption of social media has created an interesting, albeit interdependent relationship with large companies like Google, Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, YouTube, and Flickr. Nonprofits use the sites to build their online brand and supporter base, and the companies in turn then benefit from having tens of thousands respectable, well-known nonprofits promoting their sites and tools to millions...

HOW TO: Create a Mobile Website for Your Nonprofit for $8 a Month

April 29, 2010
The Web is going mobile. Faster than anyone thought. Smartphones are transforming the Internet and how individuals access the Web. One in five Americans now access the mobile Web daily. Some through Apps. Others through mobile Web browsers. This means nonprofits and their web communication strategies need to transform as well. One of the most – if not the...

Four Reasons Why Nonprofits Should Reconsider Facebook

April 24, 2010
Reconsider. To think about again. To reassess. To reevaluate. I have been mulling this post over for months, and with some recent changes made by Facebook, the time has come. Some of the opinions I express below I have had for a while and speak to them in my webinars and trainings, but some are so recent that I...

10 Social Media Metrics for Nonprofit Organizations (and How To Track Them)

March 24, 2010
“A survey of 200 charity and foundation professionals revealed that nonprofits are finding it difficult to determine how valuable social media tools are for their organizations. Seventy-nine percent said they hadn’t found ways to do so.” – Chronicle of Philanthropy, November 12, 2009 For those 79% of nonprofits out there, I have listed 10 social media metrics below that...

HOW TO: Effectively Manage Hate and Anger on Social Media Sites

March 21, 2010
I normally try to leave politics and religion out of my work with nonprofits, but this time I need to make an exception. A month ago I launched a Facebook Page called Accomplishments of President Barack Obama. In just that short time it has become abundantly clear that I have been living and working in social networking bubble of...

YouTube Extends Their Nonprofit Program to Canada and Australia

February 26, 2010
Good news! In addition to the United States and the United Kingdom, nonprofits in Canada and Australia can now also take advantage of  YouTube’s Nonprofit Program. The benefits of the program incude: Premium branding capabilities and increased uploading capacity (View Example) The option to drive fundraising through a Google Checkout “Donate” button Listing on the Nonprofit channels and the...