Twitter Archive

[Webinar] LinkedIn & Twitter Best Practices for Nonprofits

June 29, 2022
LinkedIn and Twitter have unique roles in your nonprofit’s social media strategy. LinkedIn is ideal for connecting with sponsors, funders, and thought leaders while Twitter is a fast-moving community built upon real-time news and information sharing. In this two-hour webinar, nonprofits will learn best practices for using LinkedIn and Twitter. Topics include: What type of content performs best on...

New! Earn a Certificate in Social Media Marketing & Fundraising from Nonprofit Tech for Good

May 6, 2022
Our Certificate in Social Media Marketing & Fundraising covers the fundamentals of launching and maintaining a social media marketing and fundraising strategy for your nonprofit. Participants will learn how to use Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter to engage and inspire supporters and donors. Based on 101 Digital Marketing & Fundraising Best Practices for Nonprofits, the certificate program requires the...

#NGOtech19: A 24-Hour Twitter Takeover for NGOs WorldWide

September 6, 2019
Join Nonprofit Tech for Good, Funraise, and the 2019 Global NGO Technology Report partners for a 24-hour Twitter Takeover on September 26! You can participate and follow the takeovers on Twitter at @NonprofitOrgs. Please review the schedule below and then join, discuss, share, and follow at #NGOtech19: – Ask our experts about NGO technology trends to watch for in...

[Twitter Takeover] #GivingTuesday: One Day to Make a World of Difference

June 3, 2019
On Tuesday, August 6, @GivingTuesday will takeover @NonprofitOrgs for 24 hours to lead a conversation about how to set your nonprofit up for success, what the data tells us about who’s giving on GivingTuesday, and how you can get involved in the biggest giving movement of all time. History of GivingTuesday GivingTuesday started as a day for anyone, anywhere...

[Tweet Chat] Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Trends for Nonprofits

April 1, 2019
Please join us for a tweet chat on May 1st at 12 pm EDT to discuss peer-to-peer fundraising! Nonprofit Tech for Good (@nonprofitorgs) will be joined by co-host CrowdRise by GoFundMe (@crowdrise) to have a live tweet chat about the power of enabling your nonprofit’s supporters to fundraise on your organization’s behalf. During the tweet chat, we will share insights...

[Tweet Chat] Nonprofit Tech Trends for 2019

November 21, 2018
Join us for a tweet chat on January 16 at 12pm EST to discuss nonprofit tech trends in the new year! Nonprofit Tech for Good will be co-hosting a tweet chat with Wired Impact to lead a discussion on nonprofit tech trends, such as website design, social media fundraising, email marketing, privacy, and web accessibility. How to Participate At...

Why Your Nonprofit Should Retweet Its Own Tweets – and How to Do It

May 15, 2018
One of the most frequent questions asked by nonprofits is: Can I tweet the same content more than once? Most nonprofits only tweet a new blog post, website article, or infographic once (maybe twice) out of fear of appearing spammy on Twitter. However, when you look at the science of Twitter and recognize that the peak lifespan of a...

5 Digital Payment Systems That Could Transform Online Fundraising

December 22, 2016
In the late 1990’s nonprofits began to launch websites, experiment with email marketing, and sign up for their first “Donate Now” service. Then, in the late 2000’s nonprofits embraced social networking sites, first Myspace and YouTube, then Facebook and Twitter. Now, in the late 2010’s, we’re on the verge of yet another seismic shift that will have a profound...

How Twitter Donations Work: What Your Nonprofit Needs to Know

December 4, 2016
Twitter is experimenting with allowing certain nonprofits to accept donations directly through tweets. Like how only a select few nonprofits had access to Facebook’s early launch of their Facebook Fundraising Tools, only a select few nonprofits currently have access to Twitter Donations. It is unclear if Twitter has plans to provide access to more nonprofits in the near future,...

How to Create a Twitter Moment for Your Nonprofit

October 23, 2016
Twitter Moments as defined by Twitter are curated tweets collected into a story. First launched in October 2015 in partnership with a select few media partners, as of September 29 all Twitter users can now create Moments. For nonprofits active on Twitter, Moments are new way to showcase the best tweets about your event or campaign. Moments are meant predominately...

How to Report Live from Nonprofit Events Using Periscope

November 13, 2015
Nonprofit Tech for Good experimented with Periscope for live streaming for the first time during the 2015 Independent Sector Conference. Like all new tools there is a learning curve, but for nonprofit social media managers that spend a good portion of the their time on social and mobile media, Periscope is intuitive, easy to use, and a welcome break from...