Your nonprofit’s website and email campaigns are the foundation of your online brand and choosing the right domain for your website and email campaigns is critical to your organization’s online success. The top three domains for the social good sector are .org, .ngo, and .ong. .org is the most trusted domain on the Internet and open to all while...
Real-time reporting from nonprofit conferences and events requires an advanced skill set, training, and a lot of practice. Tailored for social media managers, this webinar below was presented on October 9 highlighted which skills are necessary for live reporting, which online tools work the best, and outlined a 6-week plan that includes pre-event planning and post-event follow-up. To register...
According to the 2017 Global Trends in Giving Report, a donor’s ideology has more impact upon which causes and types of nonprofits they support than gender or age. Donors with a conservative ideology are more traditional in their giving while donors with a liberal ideology are more diverse in the types of causes they support. Giving to children and youth,...
Now entering its sixth year, #GivingTuesday is a global day of giving fueled by the power of social media. To tap this potential, your NGO, nonprofit, or charity needs to activate its social media presence before, during, and after #GivingTuesday to help build the movement and, in the process, raise awareness and funds for your organization and mission. Presented on...
Presented on September 20 via webinar, the slides below highlight data from the 2017 Global NGO Technology Report, the 2017 Global Trends in Giving Report, and Network for Good’s donor platform to determine if U.S. nonprofits are using technology in the ways that their donors and supporters prefer. Attendees were be given access to exclusive U.S. donor data and...
Social media changes so frequently that unless your NGO has a full-time social media manager who has the time to consistently research and adopt emerging trends, odds are your NGO is using social media in ways that are no longer effective. The webinar content below was presented by Heather Mansfield on September 19, 2017 to 1,175 nonprofit staff. It was the...
It’s not official, but it’s obvious that Facebook is ramping up promotion of its native “Donate” buttons and Fundraisers in its News Feed. Even before Facebook helped raise $10 million dollars for the Center for Disaster Philanthropy for Hurricane Harvey relief, Facebook “Donate” buttons and fundraisers created by Facebook users were popping up in the feed with increased frequency....
Based upon the survey results of 4,084 donors worldwide, the 2017 Global Trends in Giving Report summarizes donor data across six continents about how online and mobile technology effects giving. The report also explores the impact of gender, generation, and ideology upon giving and volunteerism. The report is available in English, French and Spanish and is a sister report...
Rapid population growth and migration are dramatically changing societies and ecosystems worldwide and as this future unfolds nonprofits, NGOs, and charities will play a central role in safeguarding the world’s most vulnerable communities, the land upon which they live, and the wildlife that surrounds them. As the social conscience of of globalization, the nonprofit sector needs to contemplate future...
The inaugural edition of the 2017 Global Trends in Giving Report will be released on September 12, 2017. Based on the survey responses of 4,084 donors worldwide, the report summarizes donor data across six continents about how online and mobile technology effects giving. The report also examines the impact of gender, generation, and ideology upon giving and volunteerism. Researched...
YouTube launched almost 13 years ago on February 14, 2005 and you got to give credit to the early adopter nonprofits active on YouTube in its early years. These early adopters were also embracing Myspace when the vast majority of nonprofits hadn’t yet had their aha moment about social media. Today, approximately 72% of internet traffic is video and one...
Youth belonging to Generation Z were born in and after 1998. The oldest of Gen Zs are currently entering college and finishing high school. Raised predominantly by Gen Xers who were pummeled by the Great Recession, early research about those belonging to Gen Z indicates that they are cautious about spending money, are bargain shoppers, and more likely to save...
The inaugural edition of the Global Trends in Giving Report will be released on September 4, 2017. The report is groundbreaking in that it is the only annual research project dedicated to studying how and why donors worldwide give to their favorite causes and charitable organizations. If you have not yet participated in the 2017 Global Trends in Giving...