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Tweetchat: Introducing the New .NGO and .ONG Domains

April 26, 2015
The tweetchat occurred in May 6. You can view the highlights on Storify. Hashtag: #NGOtechchat Host: @NonprofitOrgs Featured Guests: @BrianCuteCEO of @PIRegistry and @OnGood After four years of planning and hard work, on May 6 the Public Interest Registry and OnGood will release the new .NGO and .ONG domains worldwide. This tweetchat will highlight three reasons why your NGO/nonprofit,/charity should register the...

Bookmark Your Browsers! The Official Blogs of the World’s Most Popular Social Media Sites

April 25, 2015
The nonprofit sector has a large community of technology bloggers committed to helping nonprofits stay current on emerging trends in social media, online fundraising, and mobile technology. There are these 35 nonprofit marketing blogs and these 25 must-read nonprofit IT blogs as well as these 8 great nonprofit resources. You can also browse 300+ on Twitter at @nonprofitorgs/lists/bloggers-resources. Reading the official blogs of the...

9 Fundraising Tools to Watch in 2015

April 11, 2015
Over the last six months Nonprofit Tech for Good has bookmarked over 50 fundraising tools to prepare for this blog post. When the time came to write the post, at least 25% of the fundraising tools had shut down. It is very difficult to launch a fundraising service that is sustainable i.e., can earn enough revenue to pay staff,...

How to Successfully Launch Nonprofit Infographics Online

March 29, 2015
Any new media manager who has ever posted, shared, retweeted, pinned, or tumbled an infographic has first hand experience of how popular and powerful infographics can be online. Communicating your data and calls-to-action in visual format is smart strategy. However, you can have an exceptionally well-designed, useful infographic, but if its not compatible with social media and mobile devices, then...

15 Online Job Boards for Nonprofit Professionals

March 23, 2015
Working at a nonprofit often pays less than the for-profit sector, but the perks of extended vacation time, flex time, and the personal satisfaction of having a meaningful professional life can outweigh the financial downside of building a nonprofit career. And the good news is that 2015 is predicted to be a great year for nonprofit sector hiring thanks to a rebounding economy....

How Much Time Social Media Requires for Fundraising Success

February 21, 2015
The following is an excerpt from Mobile for Good: A How-To Fundraising Guide for Nonprofits. The amount of time that a nonprofit can invest in mobile and social media depends on capacity. Small nonprofits that are not in a position to hire a part- or full-time new media manager should limit themselves to one or two social networks and place the...

10 Twitter Best Practices for Nonprofits

February 8, 2015
It’s impossible to apply Twitter best practices across all segments of the nonprofit sector because of the wide variety of causes and follower counts, but scientific analysis of Twitter clearly indicate that there is right way and a wrong way to use Twitter. The challenge is for nonprofits to learn from and apply the scientific data to their Twitter...

15 Must-Know Fundraising and Social Media Stats

January 25, 2015
LinkedIn launched in 2003, Facebook launched in 2004, and Twitter launched in 2006. Now more than a decade into the Social Web, the use of social networks still continues to grow worldwide and will continue to do so for years to come. It’s no coincidence that online giving is growing rapidly as well. A decade ago most individuals still consumed print news...

12 Must-Follow Nonprofits on Tumblr

January 19, 2015
If your nonprofit’s social media strategy is built upon engaging young adults, then you might want to invest some time experimenting with Tumblr. According to a recent study, after Facebook young adults spend more time per day on Tumblr than any other social network. This data will likely surprise many nonprofits, but Tumblr’s mobile design and the unique content blogged...

10 Goals for Nonprofit New Media Managers for 2015

January 5, 2015
After the holiday break new media managers return to work energized to update and implement their list of priorities for the upcoming year. The goals suggested below are fairly easy to achieve, yet transformative to a nonprofit’s new media strategy. Most do not require a financial investment, but preliminary results on the 2014 fundraising season are strong and if your nonprofit did well in...

6 Clever Mobile Apps Created by Nonprofits

December 28, 2014
All launched in 2014, the mobile apps listed below created by nonprofits clearly demonstrate that nonprofits are evolving in their approach to mobile apps. The hard truth is that only 39% of mobile apps are opened 11 times or more and 20% of apps are only opened once. That said, the rapid sales of smartphones worldwide ensure a growing a mobile app audience in...