Spring is report season in the nonprofit sector. A slew of new data is released and this year the emerging theme is that online fundraising is rapidly rising, especially on mobile devices. Nonprofits that have not yet adopted a mobile-first approach to online communications and fundraising can use the new data to help convince executive staff and board that...
Thanks to a partnership with the Public Interest Registry, Heather Mansfield of Nonprofit Tech for Good was able to report live from the Cause Marketing Forum (Storified) last week in Chicago, IL. When reviewing the hundreds of tweets using the #CMF2014 hashtag, one obvious theme emerged – tweets with images are retweeted significantly more often than text-only tweets. The founder of Twitter himself, Evan Williams, has said...
Through a partnership with the Public Interest Registry, Heather Mansfield of Nonprofit Tech for Good will be attending the Cause Marketing Forum (#CMF2014) in Chicago on May 28 and May 29 to report live and share the event in real-time with the @NonprofitOrgs community. The objectives are: 1) To share with the nonprofit community who can not be in attendance the best advice and marketing...
The following is an excerpt from Mobile for Good: A How-To Fundraising Guide for Nonprofits. The amount of time that a nonprofit can invest in mobile and social media depends on capacity. Small nonprofits that are not in a position to hire a part- or full-time social media manager should limit themselves to one or two social networks and place...
While many international NGO online directories do exist, the ability for international NGOs worldwide to accept online donations through the soon-to-be-launched .NGO Global Directory is a unique service – especially for smaller NGOs from underserved regions. One of the greatest obstacles to global online fundraising has been that there is no international database of validated NGOs upon which donation service providers can...
The following is an excerpt from Mobile for Good: A How-To Fundraising Guide for Nonprofits. Another form of real-time communications is using mobile and social media to report live from your events and conferences. To do so effectively, you’ll need a staff person whose sole purpose is tweet, post, share, blog, photograph, record, and interview during the event. This person...
Public Interest Registry – the not-for-profit operator of the .org domain – has launched the first registration phase, known as the Sunrise Period (beginning April 22), for three new Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs). Qualified domain trademark holders can now submit applications for each of these three new domains, which translate to “organisation” or “institution” in non-Latin-based scripts – one...
This week Twitter began its roll out of a new Twitter Profile design and at any moment your nonprofit’s Twitter Profile could have a completely different look and functionality. The new design is obviously more visual, but it also places more emphasis on the content that your followers have engaged with. If you aren’t getting engagement on Twitter (retweeted,...
The following is an excerpt from Mobile for Good: A How-To Fundraising Guide for Nonprofits. Owned by Facebook, Instagram is the largest mobile social network in the United States. With more than half its users outside the United States, Instagram is well-positioned to become more broadly used worldwide. The predominant age group of users is 18–29. At the time this...
As the fiscal year comes to a close and nonprofits are currently crafting next year’s budget, adding a line item for infographic design would be a very wise investment. From print fundraising appeals to digital annuals reports to compelling storytelling through tweets and status updates, the social science of online behavior confirms again and again that messages are most...
In Mobile for Good: A How-To Fundraising Guide for Nonprofits, a 40-hour work for a new media manager is outlined with five hours allotted weekly to experimenting with new online and mobile fundraising tools. The seven listed below are just the tip of the iceberg – and most of them are still in beta. Having just celebrated the 25th Anniversary of...
The following is an excerpt from Mobile for Good: A How-To Fundraising Guide for Nonprofits. Each generation living today has come of age with profoundly different experiences concerning mass communication and these differences directly impact how they give to nonprofits. Seniors who came age during the era of print media still prefer print communications and charitable giving. The same is...
Thanks to a partnership with the Public Interest Registry, Heather Mansfield of Nonprofit Tech for Good was able to report live from the Nonprofit Technology Conference (#14NTC) last week in Washington, DC. Empowered with a tablet and smartphone, one of Heather’s first priorities was to reveal the faces and expertise behind some our favorite nonprofit brands. The results are below...