The following is an excerpt from Mobile for Good: A How-To Fundraising Guide for Nonprofits. The rise of Twitter has resulted in a new campaign awareness strategy and online event known as a tweet chat. Organized around the use of a hashtag, such as #HealthTalk or #PovertyChat, nonprofits worldwide are adding tweet chats to their editorial calendars. Scheduled to...
Through a partnership with the Public Interest Registry, Heather Mansfield of Nonprofit Tech for Good will be attending the Nonprofit Technology Conference (#14NTC) in order to report live and share the event in real-time with the @NonprofitOrgs community. The goals are: 1) To study how to report live effectively from a large scale, multiple day event using primarily Twitter, Instagram,...
Based on more than 20 years of experience and 25,000+ hours spent utilizing mobile and social media, Mobile for Good: A How-To Fundraising Guide is a comprehensive 256-page book packed with more than 500 best practices. Written on the premise that all communications and fundraising are now mobile and social, Mobile for Good provides step-by-step how-tos and best practices...
With 51% of Facebook’s referral traffic now coming from mobile and more than two-third’s of Twitter users being mobile, many nonprofits are finally starting to come to the realization that their social media campaigns are doomed unless they embrace a mobile-first approach to online communications and fundraising. Your nonprofit must now assume that the majority of website and blog content...
With 51% of email now being opened on a tablet or smartphone, nonprofits would be wise to redesign their e-newsletter as soon as possible. Long-standing e-newsletter design best practices such as a two or three-column-fixed layout, 12 point font size, and text-based links only are officially 51% less effective. Unless your nonprofit embraces responsive design or mobile-first design aesthetics, your...
Instagram’s current tool set makes it very challenging for nonprofits to convert their Instagram followers into donors. Over time through powerful visual storytelling a nonprofit can build a strong brand and grow their Instagram following, but without the ability to link to a donate page inside of Instagram, it’s difficult to inspire your Instagram followers to do more than...
Nonprofits that do not create a lot of their own video content can still have an engaging YouTube Channel by curating videos relevant to your nonprofit’s mission and programs. Just because your nonprofit didn’t create a video doesn’t mean you can’t feature it on your channel. By adding videos to “Playlists” and then displaying those playlists as “Sections” on...
To help nonprofits recruit qualified volunteers and to assist individuals eager to volunteer with nonprofits, LinkedIn has launched a Volunteer Marketplace where nonprofits can post volunteer opportunities and LinkedIn members can search for volunteer opportunities in their local communities. According to LinkedIn for Good, 82% of surveyed LinkedIn members have communicated that they want volunteer their time and skills and thus...
Without a doubt, 2013 was the year of visual content — particularly infographics. With tens of millions of brands now tweeting, posting, and sharing content online on a daily basis, to get your message to stand out from the clutter brands need to communicate more often their key messages in visual format. That said, below are 19 infographics useful...
2014 will be an exciting year for nonprofit technology. Numerous communications and fundraising trends are on the verge of going mainstream and nonprofits committed to early adoption have a number of new tools and strategies to pioneer this year. Social media will remain a top priority for nonprofits in 2014, but 2013 helped solidify social media as a mandatory...
#FundraisingFriday is a campaign meant to inspire individuals to commit to donating at least $10 to one of their favorite nonprofits every Friday. First tweeted in May 2012 from @NonprofitOrgs, the hashtag has since then been tweeted and retweeted thousands of times. If you are a nonprofit, use the #FundraisingFriday hashtag to ask your followerers and fans to donate. If you...
For nonprofit admins that do not have the time to regularly research social media trends, it can be a battle to stay ahead of the learning curve. In addition to the time required to create content for social media and manage social networks, new media managers need at least two hours weekly to research social media trends and best...
1. American Diabetes Association Because 1 in 12 Americans have diabetes. Facebook || Twitter || YouTube || Google+ || LinkedIn || Flickr 2. Americans for the Arts Because without art our children’s minds will not grow to comprehend life beyond the obvious. Facebook || Twitter || YouTube || LinkedIn || Flickr 3. American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) Because 3-4 million cats and dogs are euthanized each year in America....