#FundraisingFriday is a campaign meant to inspire individuals to commit to donating at least $10 to one of their favorite nonprofits every Friday. First tweeted in May 2012 from @NonprofitOrgs, the hashtag has since then been tweeted and retweeted thousands of times. If you are a nonprofit, use the #FundraisingFriday hashtag to ask your followerers and fans to donate. If you...
For nonprofit admins that do not have the time to regularly research social media trends, it can be a battle to stay ahead of the learning curve. In addition to the time required to create content for social media and manage social networks, new media managers need at least two hours weekly to research social media trends and best...
1. American Diabetes Association Because 1 in 12 Americans have diabetes. Facebook || Twitter || YouTube || Google+ || LinkedIn || Flickr 2. Americans for the Arts Because without art our children’s minds will not grow to comprehend life beyond the obvious. Facebook || Twitter || YouTube || LinkedIn || Flickr 3. American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) Because 3-4 million cats and dogs are euthanized each year in America....
In honor of World NGO Day on Thursday, February 27, Nonprofit Tech for Good will be presenting a free webinar covering the top 10 online communications and fundraising best practices for NGOs. Date: Thursday, February 27, 2014 Time: 9am (New York City), 2pm (London), 5pm (Nairobi) Cost: Free Duration: 90 minutes How to Register: Sign up Presented by: Heather Mansfield View: Complete Webinar Schedule The foundation...
As follow-up to 29 Online Gift Stores That Benefit Nonprofits, below are 19 nonprofits that are offering symbolic gifts and adoptions this holiday season. These gift programs are ideal for socially and environmentally conscious holiday shoppers that would prefer their spending directly empower nonprofits. They also make excellent gifts for activists and advocates of global development, environmental conservation, and wildlife...
Last year Google+ began enabling page admins to reserve custom URLs for their Google+ Pages, but the service was offered to a relatively small number of verified pages of well-known brands and celebrities. However, last week Google+ began rolling out the ability to reserve a custom URL, such as google.com/+nonprofitorgs, to all page admins provided that your page has been active...
AmazonSmile is a new program that enables Amazon shoppers to easily donate 0.5% of their purchases ($.50 per $100 spent) to their favorite U.S.-based nonprofits. With $26.5 billion in sales projected for the fourth quarter for 2013 alone, up to $13.25 million in funds could be raised. Through a partnership with GuideStar USA, over one million nonprofits are already...
Since the launch of the iPhone on June 29, 2007 many mobile fundraising apps have been released, but few have been successful. Some apps were based on good ideas, but ahead of their time and others simply weren’t good enough to keep users interested. Six years later the design and functionality of fundraising apps has improved significantly. Still in their...
Updated: View 2019 Holiday Shopping Guide The National Retail Federation is projecting that the average American holiday shopper will spend on $738 this holiday season generating more than $602 billion in total sales. That’s a lot of consumer spending power that when spent consciously can help finance nonprofits and good causes worldwide. It may cost a bit more to...
The Mobile Web is often discussed as a future trend that nonprofits have time to prepare for, but the reality is that by the end of 2014, the majority of your supporters and donors will be viewing your website, email communications, blogs, and social media content on smartphones and tablets. In truth, the Mobile Web is already here. Going mobile...
Looking at cute images, particularly those of baby animals, has been proven to increase our brain’s concentration levels for a short time afterwards. The Power of Kawaii (a Japanese word meaning “cute”) can help nonprofit social media managers be more productive and also help counterbalance the flood of negative images that we are exposed to as a by-product of emerging...
A follow-up post to Five Online Fundraising Best Practices for NGOs and Five Social Media Best Practices for NGOs, below is a list of 25 resources that regularly tweet and retweet useful fundraising and social media advice and information valuable to NGOs worldwide, particularly those engaged in international development. By studying their tweets and utilizing the resources they advocate for,...
The African Wildlife Foundation’s Annual Safari Sweepstakes promotion is as close as it gets to perfect. The design and branding is modern and mobile-optimized, visuals and call-to-action graphics are prioritized over text, and social media is integrated throughout the entire process of entering the sweepstakes. Not only by entering the contest may you win a trip of a lifetime, but...