If your nonprofit is not getting retweeted on Twitter, then you haven’t yet found your Twitter voice. Retweets ensure increased exposure of your nonprofit’s avatar which ultimately results in more followers and click-through rates. Twitter itself has concurred that influence on Twitter is not in how many followers you have, but rather in how often you get retweeted. You have...
Nonprofit website design and online fundraising have dramatically changed in recent years due to the rapid rise of social media and mobile communications. Using the Wayback Machine – a website that allows you to view archived screenshots of your website all the way back to 1996, below is an exploration of how the World Wildlife Fund’s website and online...
Thanks to the Social Web, there is no shortage of possible topics for your nonprofit to blog about. From 10-paragraph editorials to 2-paragraph commentaries on breaking news, when you use the ideas given here, you should have no problem publishing the required minimum of one blog post per week (less than that and your blog starts to look abandoned)....
Last year when Myspace announced that it would be launching a redesign, I was very intrigued. Even more so when they released a video last September teasing what the new Myspace would look like. The design was good – very good, in fact. For months I was anxious, excited even, for the new Myspace to launch. For those who...
YouTube has begun rolling out a new YouTube Channel design entitled One Channel to a very small small group of YouTube users. A sitewide roll out is expected in early March. The new design offers much less customization, but enables more efficient browsing of your videos and the channels that you are subscribed to, and is more tailored for...
Each year I select 31 Favorite Nonprofits to which I donate 10% of my webinar income. Part of the reason is a commitment to altruism, but I also use (for lack of a better word) these 31 nonprofits to study how nonprofits are progressing in online fundraising, social media and mobile communications. That said, over the last few days...
I am researching “Donate Now” service providers. Nonprofits ask me often for recommendations of what service(s) to use and I have yet to find a “Donate Now” service that meets all of my ideal criteria: A custom-branded “Donate Now” page that’s embedded inside of the nonprofit’s website where the donation process happens entirely on one page. A custom-branded “Thank You”...
@NonprofitOrgs only follows nonprofit organizations, nonprofit staff, nonprofit service providers, and activists on Twitter. Each morning I browse those that have followed @NonprofitOrgs in the previous 24-hour period and if they are a nonprofit organization, a nonprofit staff member, a nonprofit service provider, or an activist, I follow them back. Many of these folks are new to Twitter and thus...
Most nonprofit’s have no idea that they likely have a Facebook Community Page. Launched in 2010, the purpose of community pages are still mostly unknown although a sound hypothesis would be that their existence is now connected to the recently launched Facebook Graph Search. The hope of many admins has thus far been that community pages would just disappear...
Many nonprofits need social media training – they just don’t know it. There’s always room for improvement and unfortunately overconfidence in social media skills prevent many nonprofit staff from getting training that could significantly increase their social media ROI (Return on Investment). Social media best practices are constantly in flux as tool sets change and algorithms are modified. Unless you study...
A long overdue follow up to my post on 29 Nonprofit Bloggers to Follow on Twitter, below are 29 nonprofit resources that tweet regularly on subjects ranging from fundraising to social media to mobile communications. Of course, there are many other resources deserving of being listed – if you would like to add one, please do so in a...
In the next few weeks I’ll be making recommendations of which tools and trends in technology nonprofits should prioritize in 2013, but for this year’s post on New Year’s resolutions I wanted to get back to basics. It’s so easy to get consumed with and exhausted by the intense volume of content and social media advice posted on the...
Yesterday’s free webinar entitled Five Reasons Why Your Nonprofit Should Prioritize the Mobile Web in 2013 was attended by 433 nonprofit professionals. To some, that may sound like a good turnout, but my free webinars usually hit the maximum of 1,000 attendees, so 433 was low – not surprising, however. In general, its been very difficult to get nonprofits to prioritize the Mobile...