When nonprofits launch or consider launching a smartphone app, an iPhone app is usually their first choice with an Android app a distant second. Launching a third version of a smartphone app is extremely rare, but with the release of Windows 8 Pro on October 26 for desktop and tablets compatible with the design and functionality of the Windows Phone, nonprofits...
The Social Media for Nonprofit Organizations LinkedIn Group reached 40,000 members today – a benchmark that took three years, 323 days, and countless clicks of “Flag as Promotion” and “Block & Delete” to keep the group as spam free as possible and on its trajectory of growth. Nothing kills an online community faster than spam (think Myspace) and LinkedIn...
Launched today, LinkedIn Board Connect for Nonprofit Organizations is a new board member recruiting program that enables nonprofits to easily tap into LinkedIn’s 175+ million strong network of professionals. With nonprofits needing to fill approximately two million empty board seats annually, LinkedIn Board Connect could be the missing link in helping nonprofits make board member recruitment a much easier and...
@NonprofitOrgs follows more than 120,000 nonprofits, nonprofit staff and nonprofit service providers. Now, of course it’s humanly impossible to follow the tweets of that many Twitter accounts, so to make the chaos manageable I organize my favorite nonprofits and those whose tweets consistently stand out from the rest into Twitter Lists. However, at least 10 times a day I go...
I wanted to give some encouragement to all the small and medium-sized nonprofits out there on the Social Web that tweet, share and post regularly with the hope of growing their communities and inspiring social good – some feedback I received last week from Line Storgaard-Conley, Director of Digital and Social Media Strategy at Safe Kids Worldwide: Remember back when you...
The 50 nonprofits listed below are tackling some of the most important economic, social and political issues of our time. They are active in our communities, in our schools, and have valuable knowledge and experience that our nation’s elected officials could learn from and be inspired by, and yet very few U.S. politicians follow any nonprofits on Twitter. They...
When nonprofits consider launching a smartphone app, most often they automatically default to launching an iPhone app. But thanks to a strategy focused on bringing low-cost smartphones to the masses worldwide, Google’s Android surged to a whopping 68% share of the global smartphone market in the second quarter of 2012. That’s four times the 17% global market share held by Apple....
For the mobile social media manager, Instagram is a must-download photo-sharing smartphone app – and with more than 80 million users who to date have shared over four billion photos – its quickly becoming a community that early adopter nonprofits have added to their regular list of must-do’s. The social networking component of Instagram is smartphone-based and most of the interactions...
Large nonprofits usually have the expertise and resources necessary to launch and maintain successful online communications and fundraising campaigns. They’ve been able to hire some of the most well-trained and experienced staff, consultants, and designers that work in the nonprofit sector. Small to medium-sized nonprofits with small to medium-sized marketing and communications budgets may not have the resources that...
Contrary to its title, the last four chapters of Social Media for Social Good: A How-To Guide for Nonprofits are dedicated to mobile technology and mobile fundraising. I am firm believer that social media will be the foundation of the Mobile Web and the book was written to help prepare nonprofits for the coming shift from desktop and social to social...
At long last, the new LinkedIn News Feed is here! For years I have been completely baffled by LinkedIn’s partnership with Twitter to allow a mass automation of tweets to be published the LinkedIn News Feed. All those robotic tweets rife with too many hashtags and bad punctuation essentially rendered the LinkedIn News Feed useless, gave it the appearance...
It’s been challenging for the nonprofit sector to create iPhone and Android Apps that people want to first download and then repeatedly use – at least in large numbers. In general, your supporters have minimal interest in downloading a budget-friendly app that only includes a news or blog feed, a link to your YouTube Channel, and “Donate” option. For...
Watch Video Via BBC News Magazine: The internet was once considered a great equaliser, a platform that could bring strangers together, even across racial boundaries. But internet users of the same race have recently begun clustering on certain social media websites. Micro-blogging website Twitter has seen an upsurge in traffic from Hispanic and African-American audiences. These groups now claim...