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Five Types of “Tips” Nonprofits Can Post on Foursquare Venue Pages

August 30, 2011
As a follow-up to last week’s post on how to create a Foursquare Page for your nonprofit, listed below are five different types of “Tips” that your nonprofit can post on Foursquare Venue Pages using your nonprofit’s Foursquare Page (not your personal Foursquare account) to both gain new followers and inspire the Foursquare community. That said, some things to...

33 Fun, Useful, and Totally Random Resources for Nonprofits

August 24, 2011
The number of low-cost or free, web-based resources and tools available to nonprofits today is astounding. So much so that many nonprofit professionals are overwhelmed by the all choices – and as the Mobile Web and related start-ups continue to grow, prepare to be mind-boggled by all the new technology options available to your nonprofit in coming years. 1. 2dCode...

HOW TO: Create a Foursquare Page for Your Nonprofit

August 22, 2011
Foursquare recently launched the ability for brands to create Pages on Foursquare. Until then, nonprofits were limited to simply claiming their nonprofit’s Venue Page making it almost impossible to be proactive on Foursquare. However, in recent weeks the site has made a number of upgrades that have rendered the site and it’s tool set much more interesting and relevant...

It’s Here! Social Media for Social Good: A How-To Guide for Nonprofits

August 17, 2011
Hot off the presses and just delivered via Fed Ex! It’s a surreal moment, exciting, nerve-racking, but it’s great to see the words off the screen and onto paper. Tangible, in my hands. There will be an e-book version of course, but I am so grateful to have been given this opportunity to publish a book while books are...

11 Nonprofit Blogs Designed for the Social Web

August 1, 2011
The rise of the Social Web in recent years has dramatically changed how your supporters consume and share your nonprofit’s blog content. Odds are, if your blog has not been redesigned in the last few years, then it’s time to consider a relaunch. Just a few years ago multiple-column blogs with numerous widgets and plug-ins ruled the design aesthetic...

Social Media for Social Good: A How-To Training for Nonprofits in New York, NY

July 22, 2011
Date: Thursday, September 29, 2011 Time: 9:30am – 3:30pm Cost: $149 per person. Location: Headquarters 632 Broadway, New York, NY (Google Map) How to Register: Sign up! View: Training Agenda (PDF) View: Trainings in Other Cities This one-day intensive social media and mobile technology how-to training is ideal for nonprofit communications and development staff. Presented by Heather Mansfield...

11 Nonprofit Websites Designed for the Social Web

July 18, 2011
The average Internet user today is barraged with a constant stream of messages in the form of tweets, status updates, shouts, bulletins, e-mail, and “Breaking News!” Social media is not only changing how we communicate online, but it’s also changing how our brains process information. That said, nonprofits would be wise to consider the effect of the Social Web...

Google+ Icons For Your Website, Blog, and e-Newsletter

July 15, 2011
A “Google+ icons” search in Google Images reveals numerous free Google+ icons available for download, however most are embedded in images files. Many of you have to tools to extract and crop the icons for your website, blog, and e-newsletter, but for those of you that don’t, simply right-click on the Google+ icon in the right-hand column of this blog...

Google+ and Nonprofits: No Worries If You Have Not Yet Been Invited!

July 8, 2011
My guess is that 99.99% of nonprofits (or more) have not yet been invited to beta test Google+ (sign up here), but if you are a regular reader of Mashable, TechCrunch, or The Next Web, you might be feeling like your missing out on the fruits of being an early adopter (before the site is even out of beta...

HOW TO: Tweet for an International Audience

July 4, 2011
At about the time I quit working for the day (6pm in Missouri, USA), nonprofits in New Zealand, Australia, and Asia are coming online for another work day. Then, over the next 12 hours, on comes nonprofits in India, the Middle East, Africa, and Europe. It’s amazing what happens on Twitter during our off hours and while we are...

Don’t Think Social Media Results in Online Donations? Think Again!

June 29, 2011
Source: Social Good: Charity and Technology in the Online Universe Written for the March  2011 issue of Fundraising Success Magazine, where I am writing a quarterly column throughout 2011. *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   * In the summer of 2000, I launched an e-advocacy portal called It was a fiscal project of the...