Unlike the Q&A site Quora, Facebook Questions allows brands to ask and answer questions. On Quora you have to be a person, but Facebook Questions uses your nonprofit’s Page and avatar as your Facebook Questions identity. Quora is great for professionals and those that want to spend time building their personal brand online, but I think Facebook’s decision to...
Your nonprofit’s social media campaigns are only as good as the social media manager running them. Facebook, Twitter, and Foursquare are not miracle-producers. They are simply tools that can result in high ROI for your nonprofit, but only if the person sharing Status Updates, Twittering, and Checking-in on behalf of your nonprofit has the right skills, experience and training...
Ninety percent of your nonprofit’s success on Facebook is dependent upon the Admin who manages your Facebook Page. If she or he doesn’t have the personality or passion to elicit Comments and Thumbs Ups in response to their Status Updates, then the ROI from your Facebook Page will be minimal. Community building on Facebook and other social networking sites...
LinkedIn Groups can be very high in ROI as long as you’re patient and willing to invest at least an hour a week promoting and monitoring your LinkedIn Group. Unfortunately, many nonprofits have created LinkedIn Groups over the last few years and when results were not immediate, they abandoned their Group much too soon. It’s at that point that...
Many nonprofits are experimenting with text-to-give fundraising, but thus far results have been mixed. Nonprofits that have the resources or connections to tap into media, celebrity or large e-mail lists have done well, but many others are simply breaking even (or not). One reason may be that the online promotions of text-to-give campaigns have been mostly limited to text-only...
Odds are your nonprofit has a “Company Page” on LinkedIn. If any of your past staff, interns, or volunteers have a personal profile on LinkedIn and they have added their position at your nonprofit to their work “Experience,” then your nonprofit does indeed have a LinkedIn Company Page. If not, then you can easily create one. Either way, LinkedIn...
Nonprofits have been utilizing social media for five years now (beginning with Myspace and YouTube in 2006), and while most at this point have invested the time and resources into designing a solid, visually distinct, social media-compatible avatar, many nonprofits still make the very common (yet completely obvious) mistake of using a cropped logo as their avatar in their...
People are often surprised when I say that if given the choice, I would choose 10,000 e-Newsletter subscribers over 10,000 Followers on Twitter, 10,000 Fans on Facebook, or 10,000 Friends on Foursquare… combined. Any day of the week and without hesitation. And though some reports claim that email use is dropping, others claim its use is steady and even...
Organization: National Wildlife Federation Organization Size: 400 employees Name: Danielle Brigida Title: Digital Marketing Manager Website: www.nwf.org Blog: www.wildlifepromise.org Facebook: facebook.com/nationalwildlife Twitter: twitter.com/nwf YouTube: youtube.com/nationalwildlife 1. What was the very first social media tool your organization utilized, and when? Back in 2006 when I joined the organization we had a MySpace page with 25 friends. They passed it off...
If you haven’t noticed QR Codes yet, after you read this post and browse the QR Codes on Flickr you’re going to start to seeing them everywhere. In magazines, on flyers, tabletops, and conference materials. So, what are they? QR Codes are two-dimensional bar code images that when scanned by a camera on a smartphone open a link to...
Organization: WITNESS Organization Size: 29 staff members Name: Marianna Moneymaker Title: Online Outreach and Production Website: www.witness.org Blog: blog.witness.org Facebook: facebook.com/witness Twitter: twitter.com/witnessorg YouTube: youtube.com/witness Flickr: flickr.com/humanrights Mission: WITNESS uses video to open the eyes of the world to human rights violations. 1. What was the very first social media tool your organization utilized, and when? In February 2006,...
Organization: The Humane Society of the United States Organization Size: 11 million supporters, 500+ staff Name: Carie Lewis Title: Director of Emerging Media Website: HumaneSociety.org Blog: hsus.typepad.com Facebook: facebook.com/humanesociety Twitter: @HumaneSociety, @cariegrls YouTube: youtube.com/hsus LinkedIn: humane-society, carielewis 1. What was the very first social media tool your organization utilized, and when? MySpace, back when it was cool. That...
Organization: Taproot Foundation Organization Size: 40 Employees Name (s): Dupé Ajayi and Megan McDonald Title (s): Manager, External Affairs and Associate, Social Media & Recruitment Website: www.taprootfoundation.org Blog: taprootfoundation.org/blog Facebook: facebook.com/taprootfoundation Twitter: twitter.com/taprootfound YouTube: youtube.com/thetaprootfoundation LinkedIn: taproot-foundation Jumo: http://bit.ly/gfpe6R 1. What was the very first social media tool your organization utilized, and when? Megan: MySpace was probably our first...