One in five Americans now access the Mobile Web daily. Smartphones are transforming the Internet and how individuals access the Web. This means nonprofits and their web communication strategies need to transform as well. Desktop and laptop computers have become essential tools for nonprofit communicators over the last decade, and now we are entering the era of smartphones –...
6/20 Update: Foursquare surpasses 10,000,000 users. Original Post from 6/28/10: Foursquare now has 1.6 million users. That may not seem like very many compared to Facebook’s 465 million users, but Foursquare is only one year-old and growing quickly. Part social networking site, part smartphone App, Foursquare is a tool meant to be primary used on the go on your smartphone....
Last week the Nonprofit Organizations Facebook Page reached the 10,000 fans milestone. It took 2.5 years. In 2008, many of the friends of the Nonprofit Organizations MySpace migrated over to Facebook, then in 2009 and 2010 a good number of the new fans came from @NonprofitOrgs on Twitter. One website may lose its popularity for the next, but I...
6/22/10 Update :: Good news! Facebook authenticated the Nonprofit Organizations Page on Friday, June 18. It only took one day: 6/17/10: As soon as Facebook launched Community Pages, I knew this day coming. My gut told me the prompt for authentification would arrive at 10,000 fans, and indeed on June 14, 2010 when the Nonprofit Organizations Facebook Page hit...
An online database of Twitter Apps called oneforty currently lists almost 2,900 third-party Twitter Apps. While some nonprofits have been early adopters of Twitter Apps, the vast majority are not. They may not even know the tools exist. Once you start browsing around and experimenting, you’ll quickly come to realize that there are a phenominal number of free Twitter...
A really simple, but crucial upgrade… but also potentially problematic. Facebook Page Admins can now remove other Admins – including the Page’s original creator. Nonprofits (and businesses) have been requesting this functionality for years. It is often the case that the original Page creator is a long-gone volunteer, intern or staff member, yet they continue to have access and...
Now that most nonprofits have a Community Page on Facebook in addition to their Official Page, it is crucial that nonprofits create a Wikipedia account to edit, maintain, and “Watch” their organization’s Wikipedia Page. Why? Because Facebook Community Pages have Wikipedia Tabs that pull in your organization’s information directly from Wikipedia. For example, I used to work for a nonprofit...
Full disclosure. I have no idea if using Flickr to distribute and archive photo and press releases will appeal to the media and/or blogosphere, but I got the idea from what I think is the best nonprofit photostream on Flickr: The UN Refugee Agency. The UNHCR does attach press releases to a good number of the photos they upload...
Thousands of nonprofits haven’t logged into their MySpace profiles in months, or even a year or more. The majority have moved on to Facebook and Twitter. That said, MySpace is not dead. Traffic has definitely sloooowed, but the site still has 57 million monthly visitors in the United States (as of December 2009). They just don’t tend to be...
Nonprofits and their adoption of social media has created an interesting, albeit interdependent relationship with large companies like Google, Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, YouTube, and Flickr. Nonprofits use the sites to build their online brand and supporter base, and the companies in turn then benefit from having tens of thousands respectable, well-known nonprofits promoting their sites and tools to millions...
8/7/11 Update: You can no longer link community pages to your official page. Instead, you can now merge them. Over the last month Facebook has created millions of Community Pages. As I understand it, Community Pages are created based on what Facebook users have mentioned on their personal Facebook profiles. For example, someone mentioned the Scleroderma Research Foundation on...
For the last 4.5 years, I have been providing lots of little tips on how nonprofits can increase their ROI through my Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and MySpace Best Practices, but now that the vast majority of nonprofits utilize social media and have been for awhile, I think most of us are ready some more advanced strategies. My Top Five...
Today is Arbor Day. I wanted to promote the the National Arbor Day’s Facebook Page on the Nonprofit Organizations Facebook Page. So, I searched Facebook for “Arbor Day” and three Pages came up: 1) Arbor Day :: 79 Likes: 2) National Arbor Day Foundation :: 99 Likes: 3) Arbor Day :: 2 Likes: My first thought:...