2026 Sponsorship Opportunities

2025 sponsorship opportunities are sold out! To be notified in August when 2026 sponsorship opportunities open for booking, please send an email to heather@nptechforgood.com to get on the list. Thank you to our past, current, and future sponsors! 

Option #1:
1 Sponsored Post + 2 Promoted Content Resource
$2,100 [$350 spent on social ads]

  • Priced at $700 per sponsored post and per promoted content resource
  • Includes a $60 LinkedIn, $50 Facebook, and $40 Instagram ad spend for the sponsored post
  • Includes a $50 LinkedIn and $50 Facebook ad spend for each content resource
  • Optional sponsored webinar add-on for $3,500

Option #2:
2 Sponsored Posts + 2 Promoted Content Resources
$2,700 [$500 spent on social ads]

  • Priced at $675 per sponsored post and per promoted content resource
  • Includes a $60 LinkedIn, $50 Facebook, and $40 Instagram ad spend for each sponsored post
  • Includes a $50 LinkedIn and $50 Facebook ad spend for each content resource
  • Optional sponsored webinar add-on for $3,500

Option #3:
2 Sponsored Posts + 4 Promoted Content Resources
$3,900 [$700 spent on social ads]

  • Priced at $650 per sponsored post and per promoted content resource
  • Includes a $60 LinkedIn, $50 Facebook, and $40 Instagram ad spend for each sponsored post
  • Includes a $50 LinkedIn and $50 Facebook ad spend for each content resource
  • Optional sponsored webinar add-on for $3,250

Option #4:
2 Sponsored Posts + 6 Promoted Content Resources
$5,000 [$900 spent on social ads]

  • Priced at $625 per sponsored post and per promoted content resource
  • Includes a $60 LinkedIn, $50 Facebook, and $40 Instagram ad spend for each sponsored post
  • Includes a $50 LinkedIn and $50 Facebook ad spend for each content resource
  • Optional sponsored webinar add-on for $3,250

Option #5:
3 Sponsored Posts + 12 Promoted Content Resources
$9,000 [$1,650 spent on social ads]

  • Priced at $600 per sponsored post and per promoted content resource
  • Includes a $60 LinkedIn, $50 Facebook, and $40 Instagram ad spend for each sponsored post
  • Includes a $50 LinkedIn and $50 Facebook ad spend for each content resource
  • Optional sponsored webinar add-on for $3,000

All sponsors are listed on the right bar of Nonprofit Tech for Good → and on our Thank You to Our Sponsors! page which receives 2,000+ visitors each year.

Benefits of Promoted Content Resources: Your content resource is promoted for a minimum of four weeks, and when possible, your profiles are tagged on social media. Clicks to your content resource range from 400-800 which is more cost-effective and better targeted than digital advertising. Please note that promoted content resources must alternate between gated and ungated.

Benefits of Sponsored Posts: Your sponsored post is promoted for a minimum of four weeks and when applicable, your social profiles are tagged on social media. Depending upon the popularity of your post, over a 12-month period, visitors range from 2,000-6,000 and click-throughs to your website range from 3-10%.

Benefits of Sponsored Webinars: The number of webinar registrants varies from 500-1,000 depending on the topic, and on average, 30% of registrants attend live and 70% register in order to receive the recording of the webinar. Sponsors receive the first name, last name, title, organization name, country, and email address of registrants. Sponsors are expected to send registrants the recording within 48 hours of the end of the webinar.

About the Nonprofit Tech for Good Community:

30% classify themselves as development and fundraising professionals, 30% as marketing and communications professionals, 16% as executive staff and management, 11% as board members and volunteers, 9% as other (administrative staff, IT staff, agency staff, consultants, etc.), and 4% as program staff.

37% identify as senior or executive-level professionals, 26% as intermediate-level, 20% as mid-level, and 17% as entry-level.

49% say they work at a small-sized nonprofit, 33% at a medium-sized nonprofit, and 18% at a large-sized nonprofit.

Nonprofit Tech for Good and the services we offer would not exist without the support of our sponsors. Thank you to our 2025 sponsors!